Watercress Vichyssoise

serves 6 to 8 (serve hot or cold)
I am hoping that you will learn to choose better quality foods that are naturally lower in bad fats and possibly higher in good fats, that are high in fiber and loaded with some healthier choice proteins not because you are on a “diet” per se, but because these foods taste great and to boot they are also going to help your body and mind come into a place of balance and peace.
What you will need:
1 cup - coarsely chopped onion
4 leeks – sliced lengthwise
¼ cup of olive oil
1 clove garlic – crushed
4 cups potatoes – peeled and sliced
½ teaspoon sea salt
4 cups water
1 bunch watercress – chopped coarsely
1 ½ cups (organic low fat) milk
A few snipped scallions or chives
What to do:
Coarsely chop onions to measure 1 cup. Slice 4 leeks lengthwise and thoroughly wash. Slice thinly. Pour the olive oil into a pot. Add 1 clove garlic, crushed, and the onions and leeks. Sauté over low heat until very tender.
Add 4 cups potatoes, peeled and sliced, ½ -tablespoon salt and 2-½ cups water. Cover and simmer until potatoes are almost done.
Remove thickest stems from 1 bunch watercress, chop coarsely, reserving a few sprigs. Set aside.
Add 1-½ cups low fat milk and 1 ½ cups water to soup and bring to a boil. Add cress and cook 1 minute longer. Puree in food processor or blender.
Serve hot or cold, garnished with reserved cress sprigs and snipped scallions or chives.
Bon Appetite!