
It actually almost always comes down to this, doesn’t it? Isn’t that why we read what we read, hopefully, this falls into that category as well. Isn’t that why we watch the movies we do and read and look at the magazines that we have? To find inspiration? So what is that really? When we watch a movie of someone overcoming an obstacle we become inspired to be able to do the same, don’t we? To feel that something inside of us move, to want for more, to reach for greatness in the face of adversity? Isn’t that why you read this, not to mention the recipes as well? To hear about how others before you have been able to face their fears and bumps in the road, to overcome and conquer? Isn’t that what you are looking for, for something or someone to say just that one special word that will get you through a day, a week?
I have a client that I see weekly. I love her and she is doing amazing! I think down 70 lbs so far! But every week she sits there and says to me, “What is it this week?”, “say something to me that will inspire me, that will stay with me and get me through the hard times”. Just a little bit of pressure to be so brilliant and insightful weekly, and now I think I should have written them down! What did I say to her that she felt helped her week after week? I honestly don’t know, because it is so very individual the things that inspire us. Thankfully I seem to say whatever it is she needed, honestly, I think it's that I am on her side, that I have her back, and that I know she can even when she thinks she can’t. I believe that it's my confidence in her that inspires her, and in a sense, it is herself that does. That idea that she feels that from my words she will be strong enough, although she already is. I think my point is, that while we look to others for inspiration the real stuff, the pot of gold inspiration is really with us. It is like most things, we can keep looking outside of us for someone to make us feel as if we can fly, but then if you don’t believe it or feel it you will probably fall right on your face. I wonder every week, at times, why these amazing women and men cannot see what I see. I see strong and courageous and kind, loving people that inspire me to keep doing what I am doing. It’s the women and men that lose 30 out of 60 pounds and then go back up 20 and hang in there, that don’t quit, that look to themselves and find their strengths and confront their weaknesses’ that are my inspiration. It is those people who after going back up and finding themselves eventually, find their answers by looking to their truths, not mine. Then I get the privilege, every week to see these amazing women and men take themselves down to their goal again, and with conviction stay there. These are my inspirations, not the actors on a big screen, or in a novel, no, I get to watch and be present through their entire transformation back to the women and men they were always intended to be. They and You are my inspiration. Thank You.