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Waiting for My Real Life to Begin

Writer's picture: bertarajayoginibertarajayogini

There is a curious illusion that many of us live under—a perpetual state of waiting for the next big thing to arrive and sweep us into the life we’ve always imagined. For some, it’s the promise of a better job, a grand love, or a phone call that will change everything. For others, it’s the idea that their “real life” is out there somewhere, waiting to begin as soon as they achieve that one elusive goal.

I’ve lived that life, a life marked by the horizon rather than the present moment. I’ve spent years waiting for the next chapter to unfold, believing that happiness, fulfillment, or purpose was just around the corner. I tied my identity to things that were always “coming soon” but never arrived. And yet, even when they did—the job, the relationship, the milestone—they didn’t fill the aching void inside. The emptiness remained.

What I didn’t understand was that I was looking in all the wrong places. My waiting was futile because it was anchored in the idea that something external could finally make me whole. I was searching for meaning in things that could never offer it, clinging to the belief that my life would begin when something else happened.

But what if life doesn’t begin with external events? What if life is already here, waiting not for a grand event but for our attention and surrender?

Living without God is like standing in the shadow of an unfulfilled promise. When God is absent, we look to the world to give us what only He can provide: meaning, love, and purpose. We make idols of success, relationships, and achievements, asking them to fill a void they were never designed to fill.

In this state of waiting, the present moment becomes intolerable. We measure our days not by the beauty or potential they hold but by how far they fall short of some imagined future. Life becomes a series of deferred dreams, each one promising something greater, only to disappoint.

I’ve been there—waiting for the job that would validate my worth, the relationship that would erase my loneliness, the project that would give my life purpose. But those things, even when achieved, were fleeting. They left me thirsting for more, convinced that the next thing would finally be it.

It wasn’t until I stopped waiting and turned toward God that I began to live. When God enters your life, the waiting ends—not because everything suddenly falls into place, but because you realize you don’t need the world to fill you anymore.

With God, you begin to see that the life you’ve been waiting for is already here. It doesn’t depend on external circumstances. It is grounded in His presence, His love, and His purpose for you. You stop measuring your worth by what you achieve or who loves you because you already have everything you need in Him.

God doesn’t promise a life free of struggle, but He does promise a life full of meaning. And that meaning transforms even the waiting into something sacred. With God, the journey becomes as significant as the destination. Each moment, no matter how mundane, is infused with purpose because it is lived in His presence.

Looking back, I see how much of my life I wasted in that waiting room. I chased after things I thought would save me, only to find that they left me emptier than before. I see now that I wasn’t truly living; I was merely existing, hoping that something or someone would come along to start my life for me.

But the truth is, life with God doesn’t begin someday. It begins the moment we surrender to Him. When we let go of our desperate striving and place our trust in His hands, we find that we’ve already arrived at the life we’ve been waiting for.

If you feel like you’re still waiting for your real life to begin, I encourage you to stop looking outward and start looking upward. Stop chasing after things that will never satisfy and open yourself to the One who can. With God, you’ll find that the life you’ve been waiting for isn’t out there somewhere—it’s right here, right now, already beginning.

Hari Om Tat Sat


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